Monday, December 29, 2008
Excuse Me Young Lady...
Taylor Swift

Monday, December 22, 2008
Oh Dear.
It's Christmas time, which means present wrapping. Hence the "Oh Dear" title. I can't wrap presents. That's just it. I can't wrap. I'm a firm believer in gift bags, because there is no skill involved with putting something in a bag and stuffing some tissue paper in it. Picture a gift wrapped by a seven-year-old and voila! You have a gift wrapped by yours truly. Its just something I never could master, dang it. Its right up there with sewing, drawing, and pretty much making anything. Except for fleece blankies. I am the MASTER of making those. :)
My favorite blog that I read is the "Seriously So Blessed" blog. Its on my sidebar, and I can't even explain the entertainment behind this blog! It is some serious Mormon satire :) anywho, TAMN (the blog's author) tagged everyone with this, so I am required to do it.
Where is your cell phone? In my FOX purse
Where is your significant other? what?
Your hair color? brownish
Your favorite thing? My Giant Bear!!
Your dream last night? getting killed by Freddy Kruger/Nathan
Your life dream/goal? be an awesome wife/mom
The room you're in? my bedroom
Your hobby? reading :)
Your fear? cockroaches, crickets, being forgotten
Where do you want to be in 6 years? married and maybe have child in loverly Utah
Where were you last night? church for tithing settlements
What you're not? crazy (okay that's a lie)
One of your wish list items? Preach My Gospel
Where you grew up? Las Vegas!
The last thing you did? Took my taller than me little brother shopping
What you are wearing: a gray boyfriend cardigan and my favorite jeans
Your TV? big enough
Your pet? Freeway the Dog!!
Your computer? Sony VAIO
Your mood? chill
Missing someone? yup :(
Something you're NOT wearing? socks
Favorite store? Aeropostale
Your summer? hot hot hot...
Love someone? lots of someone's
Your fave color? green
When is the last time you laughed? always
When is the last time you cried? December 12th
Your life in one word: ROCKIN!
oh the silliness... :) I pretty much tag anyone who reads, so there, muahahahahahaaaa!
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Park Discovery
Monday, November 24, 2008
One: we have to have an hour long conversation with one or more people who are as proficient as me at ASL. No talking whatsoever. Just signing.
Two: I have to be deaf for 3 hours, and then interpret for 3 hours. A total of 6 hours of straight signing.
I'm doing assignment 2 today. Starting at like, 4, I'll have earplugs in and I have to do everyday things, but as if I'm deaf. Nathan is going to interpret for me. He took 4 years of sign language, so he's pretty proficient at it :)
After I'm deaf for 3 hours, we'll switch and I'll have to interpret for him. I'm so excited!! This is gonna be so much fun!
When I do assignment 1, I'll do it with Nathan and my friend Lainey. She took 3 years of it, so it's going to be really fun! I'll let you know how it goes. :)
Oh more...
Last Tuesday in ASL, we had to sign a song! I did "Come What May" from Moulin Rouge, and it was so amazing. It was pretty nerve-wracking, being up in front of the class signing a song, but it was incredible. I'll show my family when I get home :)
That's all for now!
Emily Sargent WE NEED TO BE FRIENDS!! We need to find a time to hang out, mmkae? :)
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
More Halloween-esque Things
Thursday, November 13, 2008
I Live At Wal-Mart
Friday, November 7, 2008
This is Halloween, this is Halloween...
Nathan and I were emo kids, and for the record, I did his nails and makeup :) gotta love Halloween...I think I like my hair like this...
Friday, October 31, 2008
Dani's Life/Love Lesson to Tara
First Dialogue: Dani and I were at a party, and discussing love/like/wallets. Get it? Like, "has my heart and my wallet!" Yeah, it was a long night.
Dani: "you can still window shop Tara, even if he has your wallet"
Tara: "But what if I wanna buy something??"
Dani: "Even though he has your wallet, you can always try things on, see if they fit, and come back later when you have your wallet back"
Tara: "That's good, cuz I see a few things I'd like to try on"
Dani: "Me too! I love shopping!"
Second Dialogue: Late one evening, aka, about five minutes ago.
Tara: "Remember how he has my wallet still?"
Dani: "Its like he gave you your wallet back, but conveniently kept you credit card so he could still entertain himself. Maybe he just took the PIN number down so you wouldn't realize it?"
Tara: "I'm gonna beat him. He's like a pickpocket, he took my wallet, and returned it with stuff missing!!"
We've been having some fun :) I seriously love Dani! She's dictating this entire conversation to me as we speak! I love metaphors!
p.s. Mom, you win, we're rooting for the missionary :) 5 months, 22 days and counting :)
Thursday, October 30, 2008
7 Things Tag!
Seven things that attract me to my hubby: well, I'm not married, so I'll do 7 things that I look for in a guy:
1. Smile
2. He loves his mom
3. He's a strong member of the church
4. He can make me laugh more than anyone
5. He's tall (I'm short and I don't want short kids!)
6. He loves me more than anything
7. He wants to have a family someday
7 things I always say:
1. Really??
2. Awkward
3. I love you
5. I might kill you
6. No Bueno
7. Ummm...kay
7 things I love to eat
1. french fries
2. pizza
3. stuffed shells
4. frosted flakes
5. m&m's
6. naked juice (it is FANTASTIC stuff!)
7. salad
7 things I can do
1. I can listen
2. I can solve almost every problem
3. I can read super fast and comprehend
4. I can bear my testimony
5. I can cry when necessary
6. I can sing
7. I can love
7 things I can't do
1. I can't dance
2. I can't touch my toes
3. I can't please everyone
4. I can't handle failure
5. I can't handle when my friends are sad
6. I can't wait to see my family
7. I can't steal my dog and keep him in my dorm...dang it...
Alright, I tag Momma, Reebs, Emmalee and Dad :)
Monday, October 27, 2008
Admitting You Have a Problem is the First Step to Recovery
Thursday, October 23, 2008
What I've Learned Thus Far...
*I DON'T have to be everyone's friend
*People won't always be happy with what I'm doing
*I need to be content with myself before I can love others
*I love people
*There is good in everyone
*Nothing makes me happier than someone preparing to go on a mission
*I love boys
*I like knowing people that are just like me (Dani!)
*Nathan is going to be a fantastic missionary
*Nathan is cute :) (he's sitting right next to me)
*Dani and I have the same sense of humor
*I miss my family
*The Church really is true
*The scriptures are true
*Prayer really does work (weird, I know) :)
*I can't wait to be an aunt!
*I'm going to marry like 7 different boys
*I need pocket sized versions of everyone, especially Dani's brother
So, yeah, that's what I've learned and I'm looking forward to what else I'll learn! :)
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Train of Thought...Now You Know Why I Am the Way I Am!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
A Little Bit About Me
Sex: Female
Birthday: June 14
Siblings: 5: 3 brothers and 2 sisters
Eye color: Green!!
Shoe size: 8 1/2, 9
Height: 5'4"ish
What are you wearing: Denim skirt, furry boots, white long sleeve shirt
Where do you live: Cedar City, UT
Righty or lefty: righty tighty
Can you make a dollar in change right now: its laundry day, so, Yes!
Who are your closest friends: Kat, Dani, Nathan, Justin
Best place for a date? anywhere really, as long as its fun
Where is your fav place to shop: Aeropostale and Fox
Favorite kind of plant: Black Magic roses
Fave Color: Green!
Fave Number: 12
Fave Boys Name: Geoffery
Fave Girls Name: Charlotte
Fave Sport: FOOTBALL!!
Fave Month: November. No allergies!
Movies: Moulin Rouge!, Phantom of the Opera
Juice: White Grape
Finger: Left hand ring day... :)
Breakfast food: hash browns
Favorite cartoon character: Superman
Given anyone a bath: Emma and Kev
Smoked: Gross no!
Made yourself throw-up: Bulemia is NOT the answer!!!
Gone skinny dipping: So many things wrong with skinny dipping...
Eaten a dog: sure, a HOT DOG!!
Put your tongue on a frozen pole?: dang it, no! I triple dog dare ya!
Loved someone so much it made you cry?: Sigh, yes...
Broken a bone?: 18 years old and never had a broken bone!
Played truth or dare: nope
Been in a physical fight: sure, a mock fight
Been in a police car: my dad's a cop, so yeah
Been on a plane: No! I'm feeling a little deprived...
Come close to dying: Dunno?
Been in a sauna: Las Vegas?
Been in a hot tub: many times
Cried when someone died: of course!
Cried in school: only a few times, and for good reasons! Mr. Rohnkohl...
Fell off your chair: hahahahahahaha!!!! yes....
Wait for someone's phone call all night: lol, only once
Saved AIM/Yahoo conversations: don't have either of those...
Saved e-mails: yes
Fallen for one of your best friends: yep
Made out with JUST a friend?: nope
Used someone: truthfully never
---------------------------------------------------------------- What is...
Whats your good luck charm? I dunno, my CTR ring I suppose
Best song you ever heard: "Fall for You" by Secondhand Serenade
What's your bedroom like: Messy...
Last thing you said: "Hrm"
What is beside you? Letters from Tyson, my pictures, my phone, my clarinet, Tide-to-Go pen
Last thing you ate: french fries
What kind of shampoo do you use?: Pureology Super Straight
Best thing that has happened to you this year: SUU!!
Worst thing that has happened to you this year: Mr. Rohnkohl
Have you had...
Chicken pox: yup....oatmeal baths... :P
Sore Throat: yep
Stitches: haha, yep, on my chin!
Broken nose: nope
Do You.
Believe in love at first sight: I'll believe it when it happens to me
Like school: college=awesome
What schools have you gone to: East Elementary, Piggot Elementary, Cartwright Elementary, Silvestri Jr. High, Silverado High School, now I'm at SUU
Eat a live hamster for $1,000,000. dollars: absolutely
If you were stuck on an island, what people would you want with you: My boys and Dani
Who was the last person that called you: Creeper
Who was the last person you slow danced with: Whoa, I don't even know, probably Jason Foote at the Youth Conference dance
What makes you laugh the most?: ha, my friend's laugh
What makes you smile? my nicknames
Last Person..
You yelled at: Creeper
Who broke your heart: really?
Told you that they love you: Tyler :) I love that boy
Is your loudest friend: Nathan
Do you/Are You:
Do you like filling these out? yes!
Do you wear contacts or glasses: most definitely need one of the two...
Do you like yourself: yep. I like who I am, what I do, and the way I do things!
Do you get along with your family: for the most part :)
Stolen anything over $50: never EVER stolen anything
Obsessive Compulsive?: glance at my room and you decide
Anorexic?: no
Suicidal? NO!! What kind of questions are these??
Final questions
What are you listening to right now? the Moulin Rouge! soundtrack
What did you do yesterday: watched the Presidential Debate
Have you hated someone in your family: nope
Got any awards: haha "Outstanding Sophomore" in band
What car do you wish to have: Yellow Avalanche
Where do you want to get married: Salt Lake, Rome, or San Diego
If you could change anything about yourself, what would you change?: my thighs
Good driver: sure... :)
Good Singer: I'm no Shania Twain...
Have a lava lamp: I wish!!
How many remote controls are in your house: too many
Are you double jointed: yuck
What do you dream about: everything...sometimes they're silly
Last time you showered: at noon
Last time you took a bath: whoa, no idea
Scary or happy movies: happy
Chocolate or white chocolate: any chocolate...
Root Beer or Dr.Pepper: brown soda is gross...sorry mom
Mud or Jell-O wrestling: ooh, I'd try either!
Vanilla or chocolate: chocolate
Summer or winter: winter, because I get to learn to snowboard!!
Silver or Gold: silver
Diamond or pearl: diamonds are a girl's best friend...
Sunset or Sunrise: Fiddler on the Roof
Sprite or 7up: 7up!
Cats or dogs: doggies!
Coffee or tea: or me!!
Phone or in person: in person
Indoor or outdoor: outdoor
End Time: 4:52
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Vegas Weekend!!
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
My Lovely Room!
Thursday, October 2, 2008
I'm Good With That!

Twilight Quiz by fun quizzes!
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Monday, September 29, 2008
"Two Things" even though surveys bug me cuz I want them to be cute...
2-Shnookie, Bud, Sparky, Tear-Bear (I know, more than two...)
Two things you are wearing right now:
1-Hemp Bracelets
2-My favorite shoes! (red converse!!)
Two things you want very badly at the moment:
1-To be in Vegas next week!
2- My friends to be happy
Two things you did last night:
1-Went to the CES fireside
2-Scripture chased with Dani and the boys (we really did!)
Two things you ate today
1-Cookies n' Cream candy
Two People you just spoke with:
1-Dani Church
Two things you're doing tomorrow:
1-Sign Language class
Two longest car rides:
1-Vegas to Laketown...oy vey
2-Cedar to Salt Lake (it just SEEMED like forever)
Two favorite beverages:
1-Fat Free milk
2-chocolate milk :)
I tag, Mom, Reebs, and McKell :D
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Oh yeah, we went there
(make sure you read the post right below this one! Its fun!)
Yeah, We Kinda Rock
This is Dani, I love this girl! We're actually the same person with different hair. Good times :)
Saturday, September 13, 2008
"Man"icures, School, and Man, We Wish It Was Winter!
First up, "man"icures.
There's a beauty school here called Evan's where it is insanely cheap to get stuff done. Like $4 manicures. So Justin, from the "Creeper :)" blog, took the guys on his hall to get $4 manicures. I went along because, well, its normal for a girl! Nate came too, but refused to get a manicure because "he's a man!" So he took all of the pictures. It was a thrilling experience for me. :)
No pictures, but, school is going really well. I love my classes. I absolutely adore my sign language class. It is the only one where I actually sit and absorb the information and I really am driven to learn it. My english and chemistry classes are a waste of my life, but only because they are too easy! My western civilization class is pretty awesome, Kristina used to have the professor I have! And my popular music in America class, well, the title really explains it all...but yeah, class is fun. College education is so much better than high school, seriously.
Man, We Wish It Was Winter...
On Saturday, we woke up and pretty much everyone has gone home for the weekend. Again. So Justin (Creeper) pulls out his snowboard just to wax it. And then decides to try it out. So this is Justin on his snowboard posing for me. :)

These are just some videos I took of him on his board
This one, he just looks so funny...
Okay, I love this one! He had been doing this for like 15 minutes, so the last one wore him out! I just love this kid! My favorite is the "my leg hurts so bad!"
I'm a Chevrolet Corvette!

You're a classic - powerful, athletic, and competitive. You're all about winning the race and getting the job done. While you have a practical everyday side, you get wild when anyone pushes your pedal. You hate to lose, but you hardly ever do.
Take the Which Sports Car Are You? quiz.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
college is full of adventures...
So, my friend J'Rell hadn't been feeling well yesterday, migraine and such, and just wasn't doing so well. She went over to my friend Dani's room and everything seemed fine. On my way with the rest of us to Scott's car, I get a call from Dani asking if I could get to her room fast. I booked it over there and found Dani trying to hold J'Rell up. She had fainted and was slipping in and out of conciousness. I held her up while Dani called 911 and then it took us both to keep her head up. Ambulance came, and took her to the hospital. Dani's roommate and I keep Dani company in the waiting room for 2 hours. J'Rell is okay! She was malnurished but is fine now. Holy hannah it was scary though. I kept telling her to keep her eyes open, but she couldn't hear me. Craziness. College is an adventure! :)
Monday, September 1, 2008
Creeper :)
I'm always hanging out with the same 2 guys, Nate and Scott. I promise our homework is done, Mom. :) But anywho, so I'm usually in their room and their R.A. Justin always happens to be nearby. He's pretty cool, but anytime he sees me, he says "hey creeper!" So last week, I was in their room and Justin walks by, sees me, says the usual, and then says he has a surprise for me later. Uh oh. So about an hour later, these other guys that I'm friends with come and find me and tell me to come out to the hall entrance. So we go out and on the hall door is this:

nice, right? :)
Sunday, August 24, 2008
BAH!! College Life!
Monday, August 11, 2008
Freeway the Singing Chihuahua
Saturday, August 2, 2008
BREAKING DAWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I went to the Breaking Dawn release party last night over on Rainbow, aka on the other side of the world. :) So fun!! Oh my heck and the best book everrrrrr!! Stephenie Meyer has really outdone herself! I'm not actually finished yet, but I'm seriously in love with this book! The girl in the picture is Johanna, we met at the SUU orientation and she's living in the same building as me!!
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
PARAMORE!! (and Paper Route, Jack's Mannequin, and Phantom Planet)

You'll need to pause the music on the playlist if you're going to watch the videos!
So, on Tuesday night, Paramore played at the Henderson Pavilion and my buddy Caleb took me to see was so rockin!!!! Oh my word, it was so cool! Paper Route, Phantom Planet, and Jack's Mannequin opened for Paramore. I got to meet the guys in Phantom Planet! When I got to the lead singer, Alex, I was like "can I tell you that you're probably the coolest person I've ever met and I want to be your best friend?" And he says "Well, its a big undertaking to be my best friend. Its a lot of hard work, are you up to the challenge?" I said I was and now we're best friends! Well, until his next concert...crazy fun though!!
That up there is Phantom Planet singing "California" which is conveniently located on my playlist :)
This is Jack's Mannequin...The piano guy was ROCKIN!!!
Up next is...well, I don't really know what to call it...this guy went NUTS when Jack's Mannequin came on...he danced like this for every song! I had to get it on film! If you notice, the girls in the background are just laughing at him. I found him highly entertaining!
Okay, last video...last song by Paramore, "Misery Business!" I love them!!
Okay, now for some pictures!
This is just a few of the pictures I took. That guy I'm with is Alex. (my new best friend...) And the pink thing is my camera case signed by the guys from Phantom Planet.