Tyson got into the Photography program at BYU!!!! This is super exciting news! This means he can be taking all the classes he needs/wants to and we've got a rough estimate of how much longer he'll be in school. This semester, he's taking a black and white photography class, where he's using a film camera and will be developing pictures in a darkroom. Sweet. He's enjoying his classes thus far, and the next few years are going to be really fun for him. His business did pretty well this Christmas season as well, as they had a booth in a store at the University Mall. They sold quite a few, and it was really cool to see people interested in his work, as they are beautiful pictures.
Baby Ruth is still growing well and is very active. We like that we can actually see her moving around now, even though it sort of looks like there's an alien in my belly. She's big enough now (and I'm pretty sure she's got a personality already) that she enjoys getting right up under my rib cage while I'm sleeping and kicking as hard as her little legs can. And each time, I wake up saying "Whoa, baby!" She also has her own time schedule, which makes me laugh. A couple of weeks ago, our alarm clock didn't go off, and I started awake at 7:26 (four minutes before I usually leave for work) and did the fastest getting ready procedure of my life. Tyson had to drive me, and about halfway there, she finally woke up and started doing somersaults and kicking my internal organs, as if to say, "Um, why are you up? I'm not ready to be up." I love the little personality we've given her already.
My last doctor's appointment went well, which I was extremely happy about, because it was that glucose test. The one where you drink that nasty drink that tastes like orange soda that was left out for a week. Glorious. But I passed it, which means I don't have to do the 3 hour one. However, she also tested my Iron, and it was at a 10.8. Normal Iron content, she said, is between 11 and 12. So I'm taking an extra Iron supplement on top of my prenatal. The fact that my Iron is low is honestly not surprising. It always has been. I've tried to donate blood 4 times, and only succeeded once because my Iron was too low. And I haven't had beef since about 18 weeks along, so it has been greatly diminished.
My mom told me that while she was pregnant with me, she love love loved ice cream, and she thinks that's why I've always loved ice cream. Well, this baby is going to be the same way! I love ice cream! A couple of Saturdays ago, Tyson went skiing, so I was at home watching Law & Order: SVU and decided, "Hmm...I want ice cream." So I ate a big bowl...and then another one...and then half of one. It was awesome. I was ashamed. :]
So, all is well in the Rollins household. We love our life and we can't wait til Baby Ruth gets here in just a few short weeks!